Friday, January 15, 2010

Preaching on Pigeon Island

Well, what can I say. Today was quite the day...

We woke up this morning to a beautiful hot sun and a few clouds. How appreciative we were for some well deserved warmth.

We had an 8am rendez-vous at the port. Pete insisted on getting us fresh cinnamon bun rolls before sailing off (a tradition we started a few days ago). But the buns were just rising when we got to the bakery. What to do? Our sea captain was waiting. The baker owner assured him it would only be 5 min. Well, here in the Honduras, what is 5 min? More like a half hour. We were all sitting in the boat waiting 25min later for our goodies! Pete said he couldn't leave because the owner was asking so many questions, like: Are you a missionary? And so the witnessing began...

An old sea dog named Jack was our captain for the day. He had a sort of long 'canoe' that fit 9 plus himself on board. Now this was no easy task crossing across the wavy sea all the way to Pigeon Island. It was a 40 min. ride over, bumpy, with no life jackets. Honestly, it felt like forever. Where could this island be?

Sure enough it was there, almost waiting for us, sparkling from a distance in the sun's rays. We quickly broke up in to pairs and started from one side of the island all the way to the end of it, with a small siesta break in between (which we, of course, had lunch unstead. Fishburgers & fries).

Tania said it was the best territory she's ever worked! The older islander's spoke english (because britain came there first)and the newer generation were mostly spanish. Peter started a study in the morning, then went back in the afternoon to continue, he then encouraged the husband to conduct the Bible study with he's wife during our abscence, since we don't know when we will be back. One woman I spoke with said she was just going to sit down and read her Bible. They all love to read very much, espacially the Bible. Another woman said she goes to 3 different churches on Sunday because she likes it so much! So many books, magazines, tracts and even a Bible were left with these kind folks. We encouraged them to write down their questions as they read through the publications, so we can give them a Biblical respond when we come back. It was a definite highlight of our trip so far...

The journey back around 3pm was the most hilarious of all. If only we could have filmed it. Basically, we plowed through giant waves for the entire 40 min. home. Our clothes were complety soaked from head to toe, our noses runny from the sea salt water, our eyes burning red and we almost lost someone overboard! It was definetly loco (crazy) but we all made it sound and safe and no literature got wait because it was tucked away.

Well, almost everybody is going to bed now, it's 8pm. Can you beleive it? Yup, it knocks the wind out of ya, all this fresh air. Good night.

ps( For the first time we took a nice shower, because the freezing cold water felt delightful in this heat)

1 comment:

  1. magnifique journée dans le service pour Jéhovah.
    j'aimerais y etre aussi
    bonne journée
